General Parameters

The general debugging and diagnostic parameters are described in the table below.

General Debugging and Diagnostic Parameters



'Delay After Reset [sec]'

configure voip > sip-definition advanced-settings > delay-after-reset


Defines the time interval (in seconds) that the device's operation is delayed after a restart.

The valid range is 0 to 45. The default is 7 seconds.

Note: This feature helps overcome connection problems caused by some LAN routers or IP configuration parameters' modifications by a DHCP server.


Enables the device to send a remote alarm indication (RAI) when the bit error rate (BER) is greater than 0.001.

[0] = Disable (default)
[1] = Enable


Defines the number of MPM modules installed in the Device's chassis. The parameter is typically used for debugging the MPM modules. If the number of configured MPM modules by this parameter is greater than the number of physical MPM modules detected by the Device (i.e., installed in the chassis), the Device sends the AcDSPFarmsMismatchAlarm SNMP alarm. For more information, refer to the document SBC-Gateway Series SNMP Alarm Reference Guide.

The valid value is 0 to 3. The default is 0.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.